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Ego Syahrial
President Commissioner

Dr. Ir. Ego Syahrial MSc was born in Ampenan, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on July 1st, 1962.

He obtained his bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering from Trisakti University. Then later continued his master's and doctoral degree at the University of London Royal School of Mines, United Kingdom.

Ego dedicated his career and expertise to The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources. Previously, he served as Secretary General of The Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, The Director General of Oil & Gas, and The Head of Geological Agency.


Anwar is a Bachelor Degree (S1) of Law at the Universitas Mataram, a Master Degree (S2) of Law at the Universitas Mataram, and a Doctoral Degree (S3) of Law at the Universitas Parahyangan, Bandung. The man born in Mataram on March 10, 1963 has the full name Dr. H. Anwar, SH., MH.

Muhammad Yusni

Muhammad Yusni, born in Medan on June 6, 1960, is a graduate Bachelor Degree (S1) of Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Master Degree (S2) of Untag Surabaya, and Doctoral Degree (S3) of USU Medan.

Before retiring from Kejaksaan Agung, M Yusni had held various important positions, some of them are having served as Kajari Singkil, Kajari Sampang, Kajari Malang Regency. Wakajati Aceh, Wakajati DKI Jakarta, Kajati Aceh, Kajati North Sumatra and most recently served as Jaksa Agung Muda Pengawasan

Agustina Arumsari

Agustina Arumsari was born in Purbalingga, November 9th, 1970. She gets Magister in Law from University of Indonesia, and Diploma Degree IV from State College of Accountancy (STAN), Jakarta.

Since 2020, Agustina has served as deputy of Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), after previously serving as director of investigation III BPKP (2019-2020) and Director of Investigation at State of Enterprise Ministry (SOE) for 3 years (2017-2019). During 2016-2017, she also has served as Sub Director of Investigation at State of Enterprise Ministry (SOE)


Born on May 14, 1966 in Pacitan, Dra. Soerjaningsih, M.K.K.K. is a graduate of S1 Chemistry at Airlangga University. Soerjaningsih then continued his Masters in Occupational Safety and Health at the University of Indonesia.

Previously, Soerjaningsih served as Director of Oil and Gas Engineering and Environment (2018), Director of Oil and Gas Program Development (2018), Director of Downstream Oil and Gas Business Development (2021) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). RI.

Since 13 September 2022 until now, Soerjaningsih has been entrusted with the position of Natural Gas Director of BPH Migas.

Wahyu Indra Pramugari
Independent Commissioner

Born on May 21st 1961 in Nganjuk, East Java, Inspector General. Pol. (Ret.) Drs. Wahyu Indra Pramugari, S.H., M.H. studied at the Police Academy (Akabri Kepolisian), Police Science College (Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian), and Sespim Polri. Later he continued his Bachelor's education in Law (year 2000) and Master’s Degree in Law (year 2003) at Bhayangkara University, Surabaya. Also in 2009, he attended the Highest Service Education within the Indonesian National Defense Government Institution (Lemhanas RI), Regular Batch XLIII.

Pursuing a career in the Indonesian National Police since 1984, he served as the Head of the Regional Police (Kapolda) of West Sumatra from year 2011 to 2013, and the Head of the School of Staff and Leadership (Kasespim) of Lemdiklat Polri from year 2016 to 2018.

Siti Zahra Aghnia
Independent Commissioner

Siti Zahra Aghnia was born in Jakarta on June 18th 1991. She obtained her bachelor's degree from University of Indonesia.

Previously, she served as Commissioner at PT Zahra Bakti Gemilang, PT Berkah Adhikari Indonesia Kreatif, PT Merial Insan Medika, Member of the Menteng Muslim Center Foundation, and Advisor at the Merial Institute - Center for Youth Development Studies.

Riva Siahaan
President Director

Riva Siahaan earned a Bachelor's degree in Economic Management from Trisakti University and continued his Masters in Business Administration at Oklahoma City University, United States of America.

Riva Siahaan's career path includes as VP Crude & Gas Operation PIS (2019-2020), VP Sales & Marketing PIS (2020-2021), Director of Commerce of PT Pertamina International Shipping, and previously Director of Marketing Center & Commerce of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

Mars Ega Legowo Putra
Regional Marketing Director

Mars Ega Legowo Putra graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in 1997-2002 and continued his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2012-2015.

Previously he was Sulawesi Industrial Fuel Sales Area Manager, West Java Industrial Fuel Sales Area Manager, Sr. Main Account Officer, Regional Petrochemical Manager, Bitumen Manager, PT Pertamina (Persero) Customer Service VP before becoming Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga's Business Planning and Development.

Maya Kusmaya
Director of Central Marketing and Commerce

Born in Tasikmalaya, August 31st 1980, Maya Kusmaya graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), majoring in Chemical Engineering.

He continued his Master’s studies at NTNU Norway, majoring in Natural Gas Technology.

He spent his career in the LNG sector, previously entrusted as Sr Analyst Gas Business Initiatives at Pertamina (2015 - 2016), Manager Engineering of Pertamina Gas Directory (2016 - 2018), Portfolio and Business Development Manager of Pertamina Gas Directory (2018 - 2020), VP Commercial Capacity and Asset Pertamina Gas (2020 until March 2021), and VP Trading Operations Pertamina Patra Niaga since March 2023.

Eduward Adolof Kawi
Director of Engineering & Land Infrastructure Management

Eduward Adolof Kawi was born in Surabaya on June 3, 1967. Eduward completed his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and Master of Management from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).

Eduward started his career at Pertamina since 1993. Prior to serving as Director of Land Engineering & Infrastructure at Pertamina Patra Niaga, Eduward held a number of important positions at Pertamina namely Vice President Reliability & Project Development, also served as Vice President Infrastructure Management & Project.

Mia Krishna Anggraini
Director of HR & Business Support

Mia Krishna Anggraini, graduate of Chemical Engineering from Diponegoro University and Master of Science in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from University of Aberdeen, UK.

Starting her career at Pertamina since 2001, Mia has served as Coordinator Product Development Specialist and Vice President of Sales Overseas at PT Pertamina Lubricants, as well as Vice President of New Ventures at PT Pertamina (Persero).

Rahman Pramono Wibowo
Director of Risk Management

Rahman Pramono Wibowo graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He continued his master’s studies at Universitas Indonesia, majoring in Industrial Engineering. For 16 years, he spent his career in fuel and LPG retail sales in several regional marketing areas. From 2004 to 2012, he serves as a Sales Representative for Borneo, Bali, and the West Java area. Also, as Sales Area Manager for Banten province in 2012. He then served as Branch Marketing Manager for North Sulawesi, Riau Area, West Sumatera, and West Java area from 2014 to 2018. He also served as Regional Manager for Kalimantan, Central Java & DKI Jakarta from 2018 to 2021. Rahman Pramono Wibowo was previously entrusted as Commercial & Operation Director at PT Pertamina Retail (2021 – 2023) and Vice President of Retail Fuel Sales at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (2023 – 2024). As of May 2024, Rahman Pramono Wibowo effectively serves as Director of Risk Management at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

Arya Suprihadi
Director of Finance

Arya Suprihadi is a Bachelor Degree (S1) of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, S2 MBA University of Colorado.

He once held the position of President Director of Mandiri Tunas Finance, GH Corp BKG VII BANK MANDIRI and Regional Manager IX-Banjarmasi BANK MANDIRI

Harsono Budi Santoso
Director of Planning & Business Development

Harsono Budi Santoso has held several positions at Pertamina including as Manager of M&T Subsidiary Management, Manager of Quality Management, Manager of Marketing & Operations Support, Manager of Business Relations, Manager of Planning & Performance Evaluation, as well as VP Business Planning & Portfolio and VP Aviation Fuel Business.

Harsono Budi Santoso completed his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Indonesia and then continued his Masters in Management at Prasetya Mulya University, and an MSc at Carnegie Mellon University.

Ego Syahrial
President Commissioner
Dr. Ir. Ego Syahrial MSc was born in Ampenan, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) on July 1st, 1962. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering from Trisakti University. Then later cont...
Ego Syahrial
President Commissioner
Anwar is a Bachelor Degree (S1) of Law at the Universitas Mataram, a Master Degree (S2) of Law at the Universitas Mataram, and a Doctoral Degree (S3) of Law at the Universitas Parahyangan, Bandung. T...
Muhammad Yusni
Muhammad Yusni, born in Medan on June 6, 1960, is a graduate Bachelor Degree (S1) of Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Master Degree (S2) of Untag Surabaya, and Doctoral Degree (S3) of USU Medan. Befor...
Muhammad Yusni
Agustina Arumsari
Agustina Arumsari was born in Purbalingga, November 9th, 1970. She gets Magister in Law from University of Indonesia, and Diploma Degree IV from State College of Accountancy (STAN), Jakarta. Since ...
Agustina Arumsari
Born on May 14, 1966 in Pacitan, Dra. Soerjaningsih, M.K.K.K. is a graduate of S1 Chemistry at Airlangga University. Soerjaningsih then continued his Masters in Occupational Safety and Health at the U...
Wahyu Indra Pramugari
Independent Commissioner
Born on May 21st 1961 in Nganjuk, East Java, Inspector General. Pol. (Ret.) Drs. Wahyu Indra Pramugari, S.H., M.H. studied at the Police Academy (Akabri Kepolisian), Police Science College (Perguruan ...
Wahyu Indra Pramugari
Independent Commissioner
Siti Zahra Aghnia
Independent Commissioner
Siti Zahra Aghnia was born in Jakarta on June 18th 1991. She obtained her bachelor's degree from University of Indonesia. Previously, she served as Commissioner at PT Zahra Bakti Gemilang, PT Berkah ...
Siti Zahra Aghnia
Independent Commissioner
Riva Siahaan
President Director
Riva Siahaan earned a Bachelor's degree in Economic Management from Trisakti University and continued his Masters in Business Administration at Oklahoma City University, United States of America. Riv...
Riva Siahaan
President Director
Mars Ega Legowo Putra
Regional Marketing Director
Mars Ega Legowo Putra graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in 1997-2002 and continued his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at the Bandung Insti...
Mars Ega Legowo Putra
Regional Marketing Director
Maya Kusmaya
Director of Central Marketing and Commerce
Born in Tasikmalaya, August 31st 1980, Maya Kusmaya graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), majoring in Chemical Engineering. He continued his Master’s studies at NTNU Norway, majoring in Na...
Maya Kusmaya
Director of Central Marketing and Commerce
Eduward Adolof Kawi
Director of Engineering & Land Infrastructure Management
Eduward Adolof Kawi was born in Surabaya on June 3, 1967. Eduward completed his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and Master of Management from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). Ed...
Eduward Adolof Kawi
Director of Engineering & Land Infrastructure Management
Mia Krishna Anggraini
Director of HR & Business Support
Mia Krishna Anggraini, graduate of Chemical Engineering from Diponegoro University and Master of Science in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from University of Aberdeen, UK. Starting her career at ...
Mia Krishna Anggraini
Director of HR & Business Support
Rahman Pramono Wibowo
Director of Risk Management
Rahman Pramono Wibowo graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He continued his master’s studies at Universitas Indonesia, majoring in Industrial Engineering. For 16...
Rahman Pramono Wibowo
Director of Risk Management
Arya Suprihadi
Director of Finance
Arya Suprihadi is a Bachelor Degree (S1) of Civil Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, S2 MBA University of Colorado. He once held the position of President Director of Mandiri Tunas Finance, GH Corp ...
Arya Suprihadi
Director of Finance
Harsono Budi Santoso
Director of Planning & Business Development
Harsono Budi Santoso has held several positions at Pertamina including as Manager of M&T Subsidiary Management, Manager of Quality Management, Manager of Marketing & Operations Support, Manage...
Harsono Budi Santoso
Director of Planning & Business Development
Contact Us

Gedung Wisma Tugu II Lt. 2
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. C7-9
Setiabudi, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

021 – 5209009
021 – 5209005


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